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Data publikacji: 2023-12-29

Orlen Invests in Energy Security

Gas is the interim fuel during the energy transition. Blue fuel-fired units will continue to replace coal-fired units, which are gradually being phased out. Without gas, greening of district heating, which still relies on coal, would also not be possible. Besides that, gas will still be used by industry and in households. Orlen has been securing fuel supplies to the Polish market for years, investing in extraction and signing contracts with partners around the world.

Domestic consumption of blue fuel amounted to approximately 17 billion cubic meters in 2022; in the preceding year it was 20 billion cubic meters. In 2030, consumption may rise to as much as 28 billion cubic meters. Gas-fired powers plants are essential for securing a stable energy supply. In the coming years, renewable energy sources whose output depends on the weather will have an increasing share in the energy mix. They will eventually be supplemented by nuclear power, but before nuclear infrastructure is built – gas units will largely fill the gap in supply.

Orlen has been supporting Poland's energy security for years, signing contracts for the supply of blue fuel from various suppliers. Thanks to this, when Russia’s Gazprom stopped gas shipments to Poland in the spring of 2022, the country did not run out of fuel. Orlen had been signing purchase agreements with crude producers for years, diversifying supplies. This was possible thanks to the development of infrastructure.

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